Henan conducted a comprehensive survey of radioactive ore census

According to the request of the State Council, Henan Province started the second national census of pollution sources throughout the province since May this year. On November 18, the reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection that at present, the census work of accompanying radioactive ore has been conducted in full accordance with the deployment.
According to reports, the census lasts for three years and will conduct census of the five major types of pollution sources including industrial pollution sources (including associated radioactive minerals), agricultural pollution sources, domestic pollution sources, centralized pollution control facilities and mobile sources, and not only to find out all kinds of pollution sources The use of raw materials, production processes, operation of pollution control facilities and other basic conditions, but also grasp the structure, distribution and pollutant production, emissions and other conditions, a wide range of sources, heavy tasks, highly specialized, involving many departments.
The second census of pollution sources to find out the basic information of all types of pollution sources, a comprehensive grasp of the number of sources, structure and distribution of the status quo is not only the basis for strengthening the current environmental management, but also to open up future environmental management basis for environmental management Really achieve the "root cause" effect is crucial. In July this year, the second national pollution census office in our province was set up and the monthly scheduling system was implemented on the progress of census work throughout the province. Census funds budget, census programs, census division of labor and other documents completed one after another, all over the country also carried out preparatory work.
At present, our province is carrying out census work with associated radioactive minerals. The census objects are radioactive contaminants generated during the mining, smelting and processing of enterprises in 8 industries and 15 types of mineral resources development, including mineral raw materials, waste water, tailings, Residues in the radionuclide content. Henan Provincial Center for Environmental Radiation Technology has set up implementing agencies in accordance with the requirements and trained relevant personnel. In accordance with the unified requirements of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, December 31 all preliminary test.