Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources in geothermal exploration in Zhangye achieved a breakthrough

Recently, Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Geological Prospecting Institute in Zhangye City Binhe New Area to achieve a major breakthrough in geothermal exploration wells project: the well depth of 2601 meters, the water volume reached 2640 cubic meters / day, orifice water temperature 56 ℃. According to preliminary exploration, the geothermal field in this area has a large area of ​​distribution and the thermal storage area is much larger than the urban area.
It is reported that from July 2015, the Bureau of Geology and Prospecting of Geology and Geophysics of Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources has collected abundant geothermal and geological foundation data, and based on comprehensive analysis, research and demonstration, declared "the urban and peripheral geothermal resources in Zhangye City Census "project, the project was approved as the 2016 Gansu geological prospecting fund project with a project budget of 8.8 million yuan. Zhangye City, Ganzhou District, two levels of government, land and resources, planning, water and environmental protection departments jointly research, the final well location selected in geothermal geological conditions is better, the development and utilization of convenience Zhanghe City Binhe New District center.
During the implementation of this project, the Bureau of Geology and Prospecting of Geology and Geophysics of Gansu Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources carried out special hydrogeological surveys, geophysical surveys and other work within the scope of the census area and constructed an eye in the geothermal and geologic conditions area The exploration hole of 2,600 meters in depth is subjected to pumping test and sampling analysis to understand the geothermal conditions in the area, delineate the geothermal resources foreground area, estimate the geothermal resources, and provide the basis for the further exploration and development of the project.
Recently, the project passed the field inspection and acceptance group organized by the Gansu Provincial Geological Prospecting Fund Management Center. It is considered that the survey results of the geothermal resources in the urban area and the periphery of Zhangye City are remarkable. So far, the water volume of the conductive geothermal exploration wells in Hexi Basin has been the largest. The highest temperature, the best water quality geothermal resources, the body has a good physical and health effects, to achieve a major breakthrough in geothermal resources exploration, and the project rated as excellent.
The discovery of geothermal resources in Zhangye has effectively filled in the blank of deep geothermal exploration in Zhangye City, which is of great practical significance for the construction of ecological city, development of tourism vacation and sightseeing agriculture in Zhangye and promotion of the transformation and upgrading of tourism industry.