Eliminate backward coal production capacity of 65.71 million tons of energy conversion achieved remarkable results

Recently, China's Sankei Shimbun reporter learned from implementing the spirit of the 19 National Energy Industry Transformation and Development of Guizhou press conference was informed that key areas of energy efficiency in key areas of Guizhou Province and the effectiveness of the reform significantly through the liberalization of competitive price liberalization Placing electricity business and liberalizing power generation plans other than public welfare and regulatory ones, and marketed the electricity first in the country. We eliminated 1,155 kilowatts of backward thermal power units and 65.71 million tonnes of backward coal production capacity and built a number of energy-saving, environmental-friendly and high-efficiency coal-fired units And medium and large hydropower stations, built 48 large and medium-sized mines, added 39.1 million tons of coal advanced production capacity.
According to reports, key energy sectors in Guizhou Province and key reforms have achieved remarkable results. Strive for the first batch of comprehensive pilot of national power system reform, liberalization of electricity supply through the competitive sector, the liberalization of placing electricity business and the release of public welfare, regulatory planning other than power generation, market-oriented trading electricity first; deepen the coal supply Side structural reform and mergers and acquisitions of coal mines to cultivate 119 main enterprises; the implementation of the elimination of backward production capacity, foster advanced production capacity, intelligent mechanization transformation, comprehensive utilization of coal resources, the four major tackling plans; establish coal, thermal power, hydropower tripartite interests closely linked The new mechanism for the operation of the energy industry has solved the historic problem of uncoordinated long-existing coal, electricity and water imbalances.
The quality of energy supply continues to improve. By deepening supply-side structural reforms, we eliminated the backward thermal power units by 1,115,000 kilowatts and backward coal production capacity by 65,700,000 tons. By October 2017, the province's coal announced production capacity of 173 million tons and installed electricity of 57.46 million kilowatts, of which renewable energy power generation Installed 26.32 million kilowatts, accounting for 46%. Energy production structure to further intensive and efficient and clean change, improve the quality of energy supply.
Energy support role of support and enhance. In recent years, the added value of the above-scale energy industry in the province has achieved an average annual growth rate of 18% or so, accounting for 31% of the total industrial added value in the province. From January to October this year, the total social electricity consumption was 110.686 billion kwh, An increase of 11.4% over the same period of last year. Energy 559.9 billion yuan investment, an increase of 12.7%. Transmission costs of 1.66 points per kilowatt-hour of over-the-net transmission costs, the average price of large industrial electricity per kilowatt-hour down 0.1256 yuan, becoming one of the provinces with the lowest electricity prices. The industrial enterprises in the province have substantially reduced the cost of electricity consumption and realized a rebound in profits. At the same time, they also reduced their household electricity bills by more than 200 million yuan. The contribution of energy to the province's economy has increased, and its strategic and fundamental support has been enhanced.
Energy infrastructure benefits Huimin Min enhance the role. The implementation of a new round of rural network upgrading project, the end of 2016 the rural power supply reliability of 99.658%, the overall voltage 95.98% pass rate, with an average capacity of 1.75 KVA per household, rural electricity support capacity increased significantly. Implementation of natural gas pipeline "county-county" project, 40 county-level cities have natural gas pipelines, "gasification Guizhou" speed. The first in the country to introduce "Guizhou Province to speed up the construction of electric vehicles charging infrastructure policies and measures", electric vehicle charging facilities in the province quickly spread.