Shows the acquisition of resource assets opportunities for mining investment

Australia has many of the world's most economically significant mineral resources such as coal, iron ore, gold, nickel, lead and zinc, bauxite, ore (ilmenite, rutile and zircon), lithium, tantalum, uranium , Manganese, diamonds and so on. Australia is the largest producer of bauxite, aluminum, rutile and tantalum, the second largest producer of lead, zinc and uranium, and the third largest producer of iron ore, nickel, gold, diamond and manganese. Has a stable political environment and a friendly investment environment, with a sound legal framework, an open mining database and information system management mechanism. Has a practical management system of mineral rights and a wealth of mining talent reserves, has a world-class third-party mining service agencies. Australia's environmental laws and regulations strict, strict supervision and punishment, focus on good faith Shou Connaught, perfect credit system.
At this stage, what investment opportunities exist in Australia?
Yang Libin, chief executive officer of Australian Mining Focus LLC, said: "Battery metals (lithium, cobalt and nickel), copper and uranium are all good choices. New energy vehicles have detonated the investment craze for battery metals. Lithium and cobalt , Nickel became the new hot spot. In 2012, Tianqi Liye acquired the Thaleson Lithium Project in Australia and the market value of Tianqi Lithium industry jumped 10 times since 2016. Australia is the oxide copper and gold mine (IOCG) Type copper deposit, or the Olympic Dam type copper deposit, due to its complex ore composition and low copper grade, some projects are not economically mined at lower copper prices, but as copper prices rise from In the meantime, uranium prices are now at historically low levels, and as the ultimate clean energy source, attention should be paid today to the new energy boom. "
The company is located in:
Yukunui Group Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Lai Cunliang combined with Yankuang Group's practice of mining investment in Australia pointed out that overseas mergers and acquisitions, we must clearly integrate objectives, the establishment of an integrated working mechanism to develop a phased implementation of the integration strategy to achieve the integration target as soon as possible . Statistics show that over 60% of M & A eventually failed due to a lack of sound strategies, leadership issues, cultural differences and post-acquisition mismanagement (after the merger). Integration is an important means of ensuring the success of M & A. He said during the integration period, the interests of stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, partners, banks, local governments and regulatory agencies should be taken into account and their motivation should be mobilized. Care should be taken to ensure a smooth transition and to establish mechanisms to cope with plans and solve problems in advance of potential fluctuations or risks. To strengthen the process of monitoring, in the implementation process to maintain a good momentum of development, and tracking, monitoring and adjustment. We should attach importance to cultural integration and adopt systematic methods to effectively manage the challenges brought by cross-cultural integration and create an efficient cultural environment. We must really create value. "
In addition, Lai Cunliang recommends that Chinese enterprises should attach importance to risk management and establish a system of risk levels. They should not force a single company to dominate the industry. They should select projects in their familiar industries and do not touch projects with which they are familiar with industry spans. They should also establish international The system of personnel selection, training and reserve should be good at utilizing international professional service agencies to play a role of think tank. Local management should be implemented to integrate with local communities and support local development. At the same time, the government continues to play an important role in enabling "going global" enterprises to form an organic combination of the three elements of "technology, resources and capital" and become the strong backing of Chinese enterprises for overseas investment.