Oil and gas reform should coordinate the relationship between the reform of state enterprises and the reform of the industry

The main issue in the market is how to import crude oil and export the refined oil both in fair competition and in safety. Before the reform, the import and export rights were mainly concentrated in a few state-owned enterprises and should be more liberalized after the reform. In respect of crude oil imports, more competition should be encouraged in the future, but not fully competitive as other commodities. The ideal market structure is dominated by state-owned enterprises and other types of enterprises. In respect of the export of refined products, we should step up supervision and raise environmental protection standards and technical standards so as to avoid leaving pollution in the country.
The situation in oil and gas pipelines is very complicated with about 200,000 kilometers of oil and gas pipelines in China, but the shortage is still very serious. In particular, there are shortages in natural gas pipelines, large main pipelines and urban pipe networks. The future should focus on promoting In development, we must find ways to attract more capital to enter this area, especially urban pipe networks. According to the requirements of the reform, PetroChina has now implemented internal financial independence for the oil and gas pipelines and is completely separated when the conditions are ripe. This route is appropriate. The future reform of the oil and gas pipe network should not be limited to the main pipe network. Urban pipe networks should also be liberalized. However, there should also be trade-offs and balances between competition and monopoly to prevent monopoly from monopolization from state-owned enterprises to private enterprises after the liberalization. In the network reform, oil and gas, power and communications industries should learn from each other's successful experience, but also to learn from.
We should make overall plans to promote the reform of state-owned enterprises and oil-gas reform
China Economic Times: State-owned enterprise reform and oil and gas reform are closely related, how to play a synergistic role?
Zhao Changwen: As the oil and gas industry, especially the upper reaches of the upper reaches are basically state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprise reform and reform of oil and gas higher correlation between the reform process, we should take overall consideration, my personal advice is to industry reform on a more Priority of the location, or at least the two to advance simultaneously. The positioning of the industry is not clear, the reform has made no substantive progress, promote enterprise-level reform more difficult.
In terms of the priority of the reform, first of all, it should be based on whether the industry has the basic strategic classification, such as military, transportation, railways, banking and energy and other fields, must be different from the general competitive industries, to take this As the basis to further optimize the strategic layout of state-owned assets and capital through asset consolidation, mergers and acquisitions and other means. Second, we must step up the classification of state-owned enterprises and maintain the control of state-owned capital in the basic strategic industries that are in line with the national economy and the people's livelihood when promoting the reform of mixed ownership. However, for state-owned enterprises in the general competitive industries, regardless of the current scale, they can hold the shares of these companies through the state-owned capital operation companies without paying attention to the control right while solving the problems of employees. However, The portfolio of financial markets can be voted on by foot, with the main objective of maximizing financial returns. Finally, for oil and gas-owned state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to ensure energy security and inefficiency, be both policy-oriented and competitive, and combine ownership diversification and mixed ownership reform with corporate governance reform.
In short, mixed ownership reform should not be used as a goal for the reform of state-owned state-owned enterprises, especially for the basic and strategic oil and gas industries. It is the objective of optimizing the structure of state-owned capital distribution, improving the governance structure of state-owned enterprises, improving the allocation efficiency of state-owned capital and creating new investment opportunities for social capital and private capital. Therefore, it is not possible to change the number of state-owned enterprises and how much private capital is introduced as The ultimate success of the reform standards.
Reform is a systematic project with a system of support. The previous round of state-owned enterprise reform has accumulated a lot of experience, the new reform in different industries to choose a representative of the enterprise, a comprehensive reform pilot, a single pilot can not solve the problem, especially in the reform of the energy sector in particular. At the same time, it is necessary to expedite the resolution of historical issues left over by the enterprises such as the society, the large-scale factory building and the three-for-one industry, and taking production capacity as an important starting point for promoting the reform of state-owned enterprises.