Strict control of coal production capacity to promote the transformation of key coal enterprises

In the area of ​​coal, there are three major tasks.
First, strict control of coal production capacity. In 2017, formulated and implemented a classification scheme for coal mine projects under construction, stopped construction of 8 projects with a total scale of 2.65 million tons / year and mitigated 9 projects with a total scale of 7.35 million tons / year. By 2020, it will reduce the additional production capacity by 1000 Tons of tons. Strict implementation of the reduction linked to reduction and replacement, continued construction of 11 projects. To ensure the completion of the task of going to capacity, shut down and shut down 101 pairs of mines, capacity of 20,400,000 tons. In 2018, the remaining coal mines should be shut down and the capacity of coal mines should be withdrawn, thus completing the entire country's 62.54 million tons of capacity-to-production tasks. By 2020, the province's coal production capacity control within the national plan of 165 million tons less than the provincial key coal industry concentration of more than 90%.
Second, the development of modern coal logistics. In 2017, we will promote the construction of three coal logistics parks in Henan Energy Yima, Hebi Investment Group Hebi and Guotou Neixiang and build Yima Coal Logistics Park. In 2018, the coal-based storage and distribution center of provincial key coal enterprises, the coal-handling terminal and the connecting railway will be started in an all-round way. By 2020, Hebi and Neixiang Coal Logistic Park will be completed. The province will increase the turnover capacity of coal by 30 million tons and cultivate and develop a batch of large-scale specialized coal logistics companies in the province. The large-scale coal storage and distribution base in Central China has begun to take shape.
Third, promote the transformation and development of key provincial coal enterprises. In 2017, the provincial coal and power enterprises introduced the strategic reorganization and integration program. In 2018, the Company will further strengthen the coal-electricity joint venture and promote the coal-electricity integration of provincial enterprises focusing on equity cooperation. Accelerate the high-end development of coal chemical industry of Henan Energy Group. By 2020, the ethylene glycol production capacity will reach over 1.5 million tons and build the largest ethylene glycol and deep processing base in the country. Promote Pingdingshan Shenma Group nylon chemicals, coal chemical industry development, production of nylon products in 2020 reached 2 million tons, built with a global influence of the nylon city; coke production capacity reached 17 million tons, the use of coke oven gas built 4 GW efficient Monocrystalline silicon solar cell production base, a complete coal industry chain. We will support coal mines in building green mines and smart coal mines, implementing clean coal operations, strengthening capacity selection and providing quality cleaning products. By 2020, the province's coal washing rate will reach 67%.
The "Plan" also stressed that it is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen policy support, consolidate work responsibilities, and promote the implementation of the work.